Saturday, December 24, 2011

Do Africans Know It's Christmas?

Do Africans Know It's Christmas?

This is an important and commendable response, although long in coming. Westerners, no thanks to Africa's leadership deficits, has assummed this obtuse stand of being experts, even in African culture. Conflicts and wars across Africa and their attendant humanitarian crises have created a picture of a continent litered with hungry, stupid, and poor people. This is sad and unfortunate. The West may never know the truth about Africa. A little while ago, CIA predicted that Nigeria will pull apart in 15 years! As clairvoyant as CIA, IMF, World Bank, UN, etc claimed to be, the on-going economic melt-down coursing through America and Europe escaped their crystal balls. So did 9/11. Yet, they are the West, we are Africa! The logic is simple: colour them bad to justify why millions of aid must flow from Washington, Berlin, Paris, and Switzerland to private pockets in the name of aiding Africa! Was UN not on the run as Rwanda pulled apart in the 90's? In Sierra Leone and Liberia, was UN any better than Nigeria's ECOMOG? Is racism not as strong as ever before? Ask Anton Ferdinand and Patrice Evra! Yet, African leaders still look up to clueless West, who cannot cure its own malady, but must profess to be lord and saviour over Africa where AIDS/HIV, infant mortality and morbidity, etc rage daily. Look at the statistics: figures of what ails most African states almost halved their population, yet people are still walking and living in those nations and not in the graves! Economic crises is bitting the West because its people hardly do anything by themselves. They live on aid and subventions, credit cards and loans! That way, they alone can know of Chrismas. Why must Africa know Chrismas; is it not litered with sick, stupid and malnourished children? A Georgian asked me only recently how I came to know about Gorbachev. Africans must be stupid, hungry, and sick to be African! The West needs to know that we know it is Chrismas, and we also know that Christ was not born in December!